Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Worry is a misused use of imgaination.

Today's quote is from The Psychology of Winning by Dr. Dennis Witley. Of course, I read it quoted in Jane Savoie's book, That Winning Feeling! Program You Mind for Peak Performance.

I have talked a lot about visualization and positive self talk. I talk about this with my students, at my Weight Watchers meetings, and basically with anyone who will listen. I believe so firmly that the key to being successful and happy is to be positive. I have almost made it my life's mission.

Last night I was working with a teenage student on her study skills. She is a sweet girl, but a very typical teenager. Before she left, I asked her to say, "I am successful." She refused. I mean REFUSED. "That sounds creepy," was her response over and over again. No amount of prompting or bribing would get her to say, "I am successful." Even though it was just her and I at the table. She would not say it. Finally she said she would get her friend to say it to her. I feel so sad for her because she may have some incidental success, but will not be over all successful because she has not program her mind for that success. She is afraid of success actually.

My teenage friend views herself as a failure. She has misused her imagination. If she is successful, she ignores that. If she fails, that just adds fuel to her belief system. I don't know what she thinks about when she is alone, but I know it is not of her succeeding. I know she does think of something, because we all do. We all have thoughts running through our head, "what if" scenarios. It is up to us to actually use those day dreams to our advantage and not misuse them by visualizing failure.

1 comment:

  1. Great post and so true! Thanks for the reminder to stay positive. It came right when I needed it! :)


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